
Putnam City Schools Selects LocknCharge EVO 40 Cart for iPad Deployment

LocknCharge solution facilitates logistics and makes life easier

The bond to support the technology initiative passed.  We wanted to build off  the pilot success and address the challenges we identified. Charri Stratton, Director, Instructional Technology, says “we set up a program to address teacher buy in and which classes received the iPad devices and when.”  The program involved the teachers completing a form stating how they would integrate the technology into their curriculum and how many devices they are requesting.  The site principal and a district committee then reviewed the applications and distributed the iPads accordingly.

Putnam City Schools would like all students to have an iPad eventually, but with the current initiative we ended up with a ratio of one iPad for every 1.4 students.  Since the iPad devices were not going home, we needed a cart-based rollout.  The quest for the right cart started. 

Stratton says they looked at 20 different carts.  The usability, quality and ease to maintain were looked at by many people within the school district:

  • Instructional Technology Team
  • Randomly selected teachers
  • Randomly selected administrators and others within the district

It was immediately obvious when a cart didn’t meet the criteria, especially from a quality and flexibility perspective. And, Stratton says “we definitely knew what carts we didn’t want.” 

Next was the trip to ISTE where the original findings were confirmed.  Stratton says, “We visited all the vendors at ISTE.  After talking with them, reviewing our criteria and understanding the workflow around our deployment, the right cart for us was obvious.  LocknCharge was the clear solution.  Th e quality and baskets certainly make managing our iPad devices easier.”

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