
LocknCharge news Mobile technology is infinitely changing and mobiles devices continue to shape our work place. Read about the technology and devices that shape LocknCharge solutions, and potentially your working and learning environment.
Homeless Youth Get a Fresh Start with the Help of Technology

21.12.17 in Case studies, Industry News, News, Product News, Testimonials
Featured products: Smart Lockers

Mobile device charging station part of a life-altering makeover at Covenant House shelter in Los Angeles
The homeless teens and young adults who come to Covenant House California are hoping for a fresh start in life. To help them gain independence and put them on a path to success, Covenant House gives them food, shelter, clothing, education, and emotional support. And thanks to a recent makeover by Oprah Winfrey, homeless youth served by the Los Angeles branch now have access to a state-of-the-art to keep their phones and other devices fully charged and secure so they can complete schoolwork, look for a job, or even just stay in touch with family and friends.

What Our Customers Say – Storage and Charging Stations

05.12.17 in Case studies, Industry News, News, Product News, Testimonials
Featured products: Smart Lockers

We often get comments sent through our social media and Twitter pages thanking us for making people’s lives easier.  But what exactly is it that makes our customers excited about our products? We thought we would share with you a few of the most common reasons for choosing LocknCharge!

Making the Digital Divide More Equal in The Classroom

08.11.17 in Case studies, Industry News, News, Product News, Testimonials
Featured products: Smart Lockers

At LocknCharge we recognise the fact that in schools budget issues are a huge concern. Finding solutions within educational establishments that maximise these budgets, or help to protect what the school has already in place, is an important part of what we do.

Managing Classroom Devices with LocknCharge

02.11.17 in Case studies, Industry News, News, Product News, Testimonials
Featured products: Smart Lockers

Excerpt from SmartBrief By Charri Stratton  |  October 17, 2017…

Technology for good or for bad?

11.10.17 in Case studies, Industry News, News, Product News, Testimonials
Featured products: Smart Lockers

An article out earlier this month about intelligent machines replacing…

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