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Customer Voices: FUYL Smart Lockers Control Device Use at Peace Lutheran College

August 7, 2020

Marcus Wilkinson, Head of Boarding at Peace Lutheran College, explains how the FUYL Tower has helped them secure devices and solve the issue of boarding students turning up to class with uncharged devices.

The FUYL Tower has helped resolve a number of issues the school was facing such as uncharged devices, lost locks and keys, insecure location and storage of devices and many more. The FUYL Tower has enabled the IT department to allocate a locker to each student and linking the locker to a students existing student card. This means that only the student and admin have access to their locker.


“The FUYL Tower has made our lives a lot easier. Being able to customize the times in which kids have access. Being able to give us a place where safely and securely the children can store their devices and all those [other] items.”

–Marcus Wilkinson, Head of Boarding at Peace Lutheran College

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