Easily Exchange Broken Devices with a Smart Charging Locker

When an employee, student or teacher’s device breaks, working or learning comes to a screeching halt. Good news. There's a better way.

Life Without vs. Life With FUYL Tower

Waiting for a replacement device can be painful for device users and tech teams alike. Watch this video to learn how FUYL Tower™ Smart Lockers minimize device downtime and lessen IT interruptions.

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Smart Locker Resources

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Dayton ISD Logo

Dayton ISD: How to Run an Efficient Student-Led Help Desk with Smart Lockers and Learn21


Maritime Academy Charter School Achieves Help Desk Efficiency with Smart Lockers and Incident IQ

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Keep Your Organization’s Devices & Data Secure with a Smart Charging Locker

Would it surprise you to learn that 41% of data breaches are due to lost or stolen devices? Good news. There's a better way.

Life Without vs. Life With FUYL Tower

When laptop, tablet and iPad devices are not securely stored after use, your organization's data is at a greater risk. Watch this quick video to see how FUYL Tower™ Smart Lockers deter device theft and protect data.

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Sign up to receive helpful emails about Smart Lockers, have a Smart Locker expert contact you straight away – or both! We're here to help anyway we can.

Smart Locker Resources

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Hamilton County Schools Logo

Streamlining Technical Support with LocknCharge Smart Lockers and Incident IQ at Hamilton County Schools

Brasher Falls Central School District Logo

Tech Team at Brasher Falls Spends 80% Less Time Managing Student Device Issues by Utilizing a Smart Locker by LocknCharge

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Smart Lockers Help Manage Laptop Devices for School Substitute Teachers at Niles Township High School District 219

Background: About Niles Township High School

Niles Township High School District 219 in Skokie, Illinois serves 4,700 students at two high schools. With such large student bodies come large staffs, and large logistical challenges. The district employs roughly 450 full-time teachers and a pool of 100 day-to-day substitute teachers.

It’s always been a priority to set teachers up for success by minimizing any unnecessary roadblocks or cumbersome SOPs. Now in a post-pandemic world with nationwide teacher and sub shortages higher than ever, it’s critical.

Challenge: Managing Mobile Devices for Substitute Teachers

On any given school day, the District 219 sub coordinators would get in at 5am to line up subs and lesson plans for the day. As a district with a take-home 1:1 device program for students and teachers, subs would later show up for their assignments and have to hunt down their own laptop. 

It might be that the teacher left it for them, but oftentimes they’d have to borrow one from the department, or if not available there, go check the tech service center. The district recognized that this frazzling start to the day was leaving subs close to their breaking points, and this process needed to change.

They considered the idea of sub coordinators managing the technology check-in/check-out process, but not only were their plates full as-is, their workdays start and end earlier than the regular school day. This means subs wouldn’t be able to return laptops at the end of the school day to the coordinators who were already clocked out.

Solution: Automating Device Management with a Smart Locker

The IT team for District 219 knew smart lockers for schools would be the answer to this muddled process. They quickly began searching for the right ones. After comparing available products, the LocknCharge FUYL Smart Locker System were selected. According to the Director of IT Services Management, Phil Lacey, it was the design of the product, ease of management and robustness of the cloud app that ultimately set the FUYLs apart from the competitors.

The FUYL Towers are housed in the main offices of the two high schools. Subs use the same PIN to clock in and out for the day as they do to access their laptop in a FUYL Tower. The IT team worked directly with sub coordinators to implement the new workflow. Both teams have access to PINs and can make new accounts on the fly when needed. 

Results: Reduced Stress and Overhead

Lacey explains that the FUYL Tower check-in/check-out process for subs has reduced a lot of stress and overhead for everyone. The user interface is simple to navigate and intuitive for both admins and users. Getting buy-in was easy, rollout was easy, setup was easy – it was the kind of project that has a very satisfying and straightforward solution. Maybe they didn’t know how much they needed FUYL Towers until they made life easier.

What’s Next?

Based on the success of this workflow for substitute teachers, Lacey believes it won’t be difficult to make a case for future Towers - perhaps starting with a break/fix workflow by integrating Incident IQ with LocknCharge to automate the process. The team is constantly working to improve the user experience and sees exciting potential for future integrations with LocknCharge to manage their devices more easily with smart lockers for schools.

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Webinar: LocknCharge Charging Stations Overview

Are you thinking about updating your charging solutions for next school year? Then this webinar is for you!

Katie gives you a tour of our demo room and provides an overview of LocknCharge's charging station solutions.

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Season’s Greetings from LocknCharge 2021

As we prepare for the holidays, LocknCharge employees from all around the world have taken a moment to reflect on our favorite holiday traditions. Some of us gather on Christmas Eve for a big feast, while some of us meet friends and family for an eventful day at the beach. And some of us enjoy the peace and quiet once everyone has finally gone to bed after a long day of festivities.

Upon reflection, we’ve realized that it doesn’t matter what we do but rather who we’re with when we carry on those traditions. So we hope that you are able to brush off the stress of the day and enjoy your traditions in good company.

From our family to yours, Happy Holidays!

For even more holiday spirit, check out our holiday videos from years gone by!

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